Monday, November 3, 2008

Call me Meggie!

Hi, it's me again. I am really glad you came back to see me. I have been wanting to tell you about all the new things I've learned at my new foster home.

I was one heck of a bouncy girl when I got here. I was so excited when it was time to eat, that I couldn't hold still. I would leap into the air and twirl around while I was in the air. I thought I was dancing. My foster mom said I had to learn how to control my body better when I dance, though. She said it wasn't fair when I body-slammed the other dogs or her. She also didn't like it when I would land in the water bowl and splash water all over the kitchen. I thought it was FUN - but she taught me some ways to wait for my food so that everyone is happier.

First, she taught me to "sit". Of course, I knew how to sit before, but I didn't know what it was called. I never knew that it was the polite thing to do when you are waiting for your food to get ready. It was pretty easy to learn, once I got over being stubborn about it. Now I sit even when there is no treat - just for praise!

Next, she started to teach me "stay". This was kind of confusing. She would ask me to sit, and I would do it. Then she would say that "stay" word, and step away from me. I thought it meant that I was done sitting. But a quick "UH-UH" from my foster mom told me that there was something else to this trick. I noticed that my foster sisters always stayed sitting down whenever she said "stay", so I tried it, too. Voila! Praise! I'm starting to get it!

I thought I probably deserved a college degree for all that learning, but my foster mom said that there is actually more to learn. Sure enough, there was a HARD thing to learn: lay down. She says "down", and I'm supposed to lay on the floor???? when she has a treat in her hand??? Come on, I WANT that treat! Ok, ok, I get it. I'm supposed to lay on the floor and then I get the treat. As soon as it's in my mouth, I BOUNCE back up! Is that right??? My foster sisters do it differently. They stay down even after they get the treat, until she says "ok". Maybe I'll try that after a while. We'll see. I DO stay down for longer than 1/4 second now. Since I LOVE to eat treats, it has been pretty easy for me to learn these new things

I always thought it was cute when I Wooo-woo-
WOOO'd when I wanted something. My foster mom says it's cute, but not so cute when I SHOUT it. So she is teaching me to ask politely for things that I want. Now I try to remember to sit for toys or treats.

Of course, there is learning to do outside, too. I am learning to walk next to my foster mom without pulling on the leash. This is EXTREMELY hard for a bouncy girl like me, and we work on it every day.

I still get scared at new things. One day on our walk, I saw something that terrorized me. I stopped dead in my tracks. My foster mom had to drag me beyond it, so we could go on with our walk and she could go to work. Even after we were past it, I had to keep looking back to see if it was following me. It was REALLY scary-looking. My foster mom said it was something called a "mailbox". What the heck????? It was going to get me, I know it was! Amazingly, it didn't follow us, so I was a little reassured. A few days ago, she took me for a walk by myself, and we went past the mailbox. I was not quite as scared, as it never did follow me the first time. She let me approach it very slowly this time, and I was brave enough to sniff it. It didn't smell like much. No food inside. After that, we went on with our walk Not too bad.

Feeling a little pensive, thinking about that mailbox

I was getting couch privileges all the time until I made a mistake. I mistook the couch cushion for a stuffy toy. Anybody could make that mistake, right? Well, my foster mom got pretty upset over that. She took it away from me, and wouldn't let me finish tearing it apart. Then she hid the torn part so no one could see my work. I got a time-out for that. Phooey. I think I understand now. I haven't done it again.

I've been here for about a month, and I'm starting to get along better with my foster sisters. I've discovered that sometimes they can even be nice! Here we are hanging out together on a warm, sunny fall day. I'm the beautiful one on the far right, closest to the fence.

Below, you can see me playing in the yard. I am really FAST!

One day my foster mom brought home some really strange things for us to wear. She said they were costumes. I don't know what a costume is, but I really didn't like it much. She said we were supposed to be stylish French Poodles in our curls and fuzzy hats and scarves. I didn't approve at all, and we all REFUSED to wear the hats. You have to remember, I am an ENGLISH Pointer (American Field-bred Pointer). I don't do French. My sisters put up with it longer than I did. Lots of kids came to the door, and my foster mom gave candy to the kids. I wanted some of the candy, but she gave me doggie treats instead. I liked the doggie treats just fine.

By the way, I have decided - don't call me Nutmeg. I like being called Meggie! Well, I'm off to curl up inside for a while. Stop back and see me soon!

Love, Meggie

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Nutmeg is now a Minnesota Gal!!!

Wow has my life ever changed in the last few months! The most recent change is that I went for a long car ride in a crate with a lot of other dogs. I was really scared. When we stopped, there was a beautiful dog park, and lots of people and birddogs. I heard someone say that we were having a big party called Birddog Balooza (BB4). But I wasn't feeling much like partying. I was SCARED! There were a few people who were nice to me, and petted me. I didn't trust them at all! There were some nice dogs, and a few I was scared of. There was one Nice Lady who kept coming back to me and telling me I was a good girl. She petted me a lot, and told me I was safe. I still wasn't very sure.

I didn't want my picture taken - I was scared.

Here I am with some of the dogs at the dog park where the party was.

I was put into different cars and different crates during the day, and taken out lots of times to run at the dog park. Finally, the Nice Lady told me it was time to go. She put a leash on me and along with two other dogs I had met that day, we went to her car. They got in, so I got in, too. There was no crate, and I didn't know where to sit, so I decided to lay on the floor in the back of the car. It got dark, and I slept and slept. When we finally stopped, we were at someone's house - and I recognized the dogs there from the party! It was GREAT! I was really hungry, though, and the Nice Lady gave me food. Then she set up a crate for me in a bedroom. She and the other girl dogs slept in the bed, and I got to sleep in the nice crate, where I felt safe.

The next morning, we said goodbye to the people and dogs where we slept. We went to another big dog park, and then we got in the car again. The Nice Lady said that I was supposed to come with her. She said we were going "home". We drove for a very long time before we got to another house. This turned out to be the house where we are all living now: me, and my Nice Lady, and the other two girl dogs - and some kitties. It's in a place called Minnesota.

This is me at the back door of the house in Minnesota.
Other foster dogs before me made it dirty like that. Honestly, it wasn't me!

Somehow or other, it got to be fall.

It's a nice big yard, with lots to sniff.

Now I know that the Nice Lady from the party is my new Foster Mom. She can be very strict sometimes - she doesn't let me eat the socks from the laundry basket. But she is very loving, and she gives me treats when I do good things, and she lets me play with lots of toys. She still tells me that I am a good girl like she did when I first met her. I think this is going to be a good place. My Foster Mom says that there is another home - a real Forever Home - out there for me. She says that there is a family that is just waiting to find me. She says I should learn lots of good things about living in a house and being a good dog, so that the family will recognize me as the good dog they are looking for. So I am trying very hard.

Ok, so is this the right way to use a couch? Am I allowed to chew on the blue towel?

Am I getting closer? Is this right?

I think I'm starting to get the hang of it...

Ah, now I've got it!

Come back and see me, and I'll tell you how I'm doing in my new foster home! Maybe when you come back, you'll see that I really AM the girl for you!

Monday, September 15, 2008

She's a Chow Hound!

I bought the dogs a Tug-a-jug today, and Nutmeg's foster brother Rowan promptly chewed through the rubber "rope". However, it functionally still did the trick - kept them occupied. Here, Nutmeg demonstrates the "roll" technique, as opposed to Rowan's "brute force" approach.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My New Jogging Partner

Hey it's me again - Nutmeg!!!

Wow today was a really fun day. My mom and foster sister and I went exploring! We drove in the car for a little while, which of course is one of my favorite things, and then when we got out we followed this trail called a "Greenway" for a really long time! Here's a few shots of me and my foster sister Rosie as we were going along the trail! She used to be really grumpy with me, but I think she doesn't mind me so much anymore, we are becoming the best of friends since we always get to go on adventures together!

We saw lots of people and other dogs when we were on the trail, it was really fun! There were also these things called 'bicycles', I was a little nervous when I first saw those, but after a little while, I didn't mind them at all! Check back soon for news of my next adventure!



Another Visit

Hi everyone! Nutmeg here. This week was really important for me. I went back to the Paw Patch and had an operation. I was very brave and mom says I am such a good girl for being so brave! When she came to pick me up afterwards, the people there said I was so sweet, they didn't want to let me go!
Here I am in the car on the way home, I was really, really tired!

Well, even though I was a little woozy that day, mom says it's a good thing because those stinky boys won't be bothering me anymore! Whatever that means, but I'm glad!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hazy Dayz

Hi everyone! Nutmeg here. I'm so excited to tell you all about how my life has been since my last update. I am feeling so good, my cough is completely gone and I am back to my normal happy bouncy self! I am the life of the party over here at Point O' Woods, if I do say so myself!

I am really starting to enjoy this cuddling thing, it was new to me at first but now I can't get enough. I love to snuggle up to my foster mom and get pets and kisses. When we're inside, my favorite thing is to collect all the stuffies and toys in the house and make piles with them. Later on, I usually move the piles, just to make sure I can keep track of everything.

My foster mom and I play some really cool games, she throws this blue disc in the air and I run after it. Usually the blue disc falls to the ground and that's when I run back to my foster mom. Then she goes and picks up the blue disc! I think there might be something else to this game, but I'm still figuring it favorite thing is to play with my duck outside. I like to run fast and keep it away from my foster brothers and sister, it's a lot of fun!

I know I make her laugh a lot, I really like doing that. One of the things that makes her laugh the most is when I practice ballet. I am so graceful! I lean up against the cabinet for balance and then I do the most graceful arabesque with my back leg, I am really talented!

I'm having a great time with my foster brothers and sister, although sometimes my foster sister can be kinda grumpy. I think she doesn't like other girl dogs, especially happy, bouncy, affectionate ones like me that steal the show! The other dogs seem to bark a lot but not me! I'm a good girl and I don't make a peep! I know that makes my foster mom very happy and I try really, really, really hard to make her happy, it's what I like best! I also love to take rides in the car. Every time we go outside I run over to the car and wait there, in the hopes that my foster mom will get the idea, but she rarely catches on, I will have to keep working on that with her!

I am having so much fun here, but I know there is still something foster mom tells me that there is a family out there, waiting just for me. She says they are looking for a special girl like me to add something sweet and spicy to their lives! She says that they will be super lucky to get a cute little pointer with all the great qualities that I've got! I'm hoping they will have kids for me to play with, and maybe even other dogs. If they have cats, that's ok too - hopefully they will take me to the park and for jogs and on trips. Most of all, I hope they will love me forever. I just know they will find me, and I'll be here waiting until they do!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Trails (Tails!)

Wow, has it been a bumpy road for little Nutmeg so far! First she's abandoned by her owner and left in the catch pen at a shelter in the middle of the night. Then, she gets lucky and someone in the shelter calls IBR. She gets into rescue but has to stay in boarding for two weeks until a foster home opens up. While in boarding, she loses 6 lbs and starts incubating a pretty nasty bug that later on manifests as pneumonia, beginning one day after arriving in foster care!

Despite her rough start in rescue, Nutmeg is now thriving. She is such a sweet little girl, clearly unused to getting affection from people, but now that she's well, she's figuring it out fast! Nutmeg wasn't housetrained when she got here to her foster home, but she is doing so well, letting me know when she needs to go out by going to the door. She is a quick learner! It only took 2 days for her to learn the invisible fence, and we are working on the thank you game, "leave it", and "wait". She's eager to please and oh so sweet!

Nutmeg has fit right in with my pack, as the youngest of the four, she has plenty of puppy spunk. She's gentle with my cats, loves to collect stuffies, and is quite a character. She will make an amazing companion for some lucky adopter, and I suspect she even has hunting potential, as she is very birdy and already has a lot of confidence.

Here she is with foster brother Rowan, always the goof, he hams it up for the camera as Nutmeg tries to figure out what the heck he is up to! Below, she looks on and tries to figure out how exactly she is going to get that stuffie...

Please consider opening your home to this lovely girl, she is waiting to hear from you!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm Here!

What a busy day! I came into IBR today. The foster care coordinator met me at the pick up point. I was very afraid and very timid.

She said, "Nutmeg, we'll get you through this. I'm going to slip this leash on you and talk to your transporter and get your paperwork. I'm going to hold the other end of the leash, but you come out when you want to." I figured she was talking to me, so I must be Nutmeg.

It took me a about a minute and while she was getting my paper work I hopped out of the crate.

I walked to her care, very timid though. I hopped in the crate. She gently touched my back and that scared me. Before she shut the door she made sure I had the blanket how I wanted it and then we were on our way.

She took me to the dr. office. Now let me tell you a thing or two about that. I'm not sure what the deal was, but she said I did get a little snarky while I was in the reception area.

Well, about that, I guess being in heat will do that to a girl. I got some unwanted attention from a few dogs. How rude! I didn't walk up and sniff them. I did like the little puppy I saw though, I pulled to go by her and started to lick her head.

In the exam room, before the dr. came in. I started to relax, foster care coordinator was still with me. She started talking to me. I liked that. I wagged my tail, gave her kisses, put my paws in her lap, and nudged her when she stopped petting me.

Then the dr came into the exam room. Here is the other part. Why do dr. have to look at my teeth? I don't look at their teeth. That was the only part I didn't care for. I was told everything looked at felt good. The dr. asked a few questions about me.

Then I heard, "OK Nutmeg (there is that name again, it must really belong to me then). I'm (Dr.) Antonio, lets go in the back. We'll give you a bath and take good care of you."

Before I left with him I had to make a few promises to the Foster Care Coordinator. I had to promise to eat all my kibble, not be so snarky, and be a good girl for my bath.

I think I can handle all that!

Check back soon for pictures and more info.

Pointer Kisses,


Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's Christmas In July

I'm Nutmeg! I'm a sweet very cute Liver and White English Pointer. I am at the shelter in Handcock Co, IL.

IL Bird Dog Rescue has pulled many nice dogs from this shelter and gone on to place them in wonderful loving homes.

Anissa, the shelter worker here, came into work one day and I was looking back at her from the catch pen! Someone dropped me off, no note, no dog food, no reason why.

She sent out an urgent plea for someone to rescue me. The foster care coordinator at IBR got the email. I must have really caught her eye and another IBR volunteer too, because he has offered a donation towards my boarding.

I'm very excited to start my new life.

Anissa has told the rescue I'm a very friendly girl and will make a wonderful pet for someone.This is just so exciting! My Pointer tail has not stopped wagging! So I am coming into the rescue, but all foster homes are full so I'll have to wait until one opens.

If you would like to foster me fill out the Foster Application and the coordinator will call you and explain our fostering program and protocol.

Before I'm adopted I'll be fully vetted, that includes microchip, spay, de-worming, heartworm test, treated if positive, tested and treated if positive for tick born illness,and rabies. *

Please check back soon. I'm sure once I meet IBR volunteers they will know more about me and take more pictures.

If you want to foster or adopt me I promise to be a good girl. I will require a fenced in yard, either traditional or e-fence (this is non negotiable), quality food, and tons of love, kisses, and hugs!

I'm told you don't have to live in IL to foster or adopt me. IBR has something called a Transport Coordinator, she will set up a transport to move me. OK with me, as long as you give me a crate a a pillow.

Spicy kisses and Pointer Wags,


*IBR does not turn away sick or injured dogs. Once in our program we treat heartworm positive dogs, dogs with tick born illness and those with special needs. Due to taking in sick and injured dogs we are greatly in need to donations, monetary and otherwise. Recently another rescue donated Heartguard to our rescue!

Dogs with Heartworm and Tick Born Illness, once treated, go on to live normal, long, happy, and healthy lives.

IBR is a 501 C 3 organization all donations are tax deductible.